Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"guarentees" - Dont be fooled!

This one will be short and sweet although i may update. We will be voting on exactly the same treaty. Not one comma or full stop will have changed. The "guarentees" cannot change the application of the treaty, our obligations of membership nor the obligations of membership of the other countries. If they did the treaty would have to be reratified. It is not being reratified. Putting 2 and 2 together means on October 2nd we are having a Hugo Chavez style rerun because the government didnt like the result last year.

1 comment:

Co said...

As a Dutch person, since the beginning of EU net CONTRIBUTORS to the EU, I find it tasteless and shortsighted that the Irish, since their membership in 73 net RECEIVERS of the EU (over 50 billion I believe) now believe they are better off without the EU. You can't join, take the money and then threaten to sabotage the whole organization when you don't need the money so much anymore, as you are effectively doing.