Monday, June 29, 2009

"Guarantees" debunked in detail

As promised i have formulated a more detailed response. Straight away the guarantees are a breach of the Lisbon treaty as only the European Court of Justice can interpret the treaties post-Lisbon. The European Council decision deciding what the treaties mean is immediately worthless. Only when the "guarantees" are ratified as a protocol do they have legal force.
But questions of when and if must follow. Will it be within 5 years?, 10 years?? or even 20 years???. What if the protocol is defeated in a national parliament? What if it is defeated in a referendum??
Now let us assume (assumptions the mother of all f...-ups) it does eventually make it over the line as a protocol. There is nothing much in the text only duplication and repetition in opaque and vague language.

See the guarantees at:

Annex 1A on moral issues: This does go further than the current provisions but still does not justify the risk of bringing the charter of fundamental rights into the treaties.

Annex 1B on Taxation: This is a red herring as the issue is a common tax base not a common tax rate. No-one ever said the treaty would impose a common tax rate only that the treaty would allow the EU to stop FDI companies channeling their profits through ireland, thus forcing us to share corporation tax revenue.

Annex 1C on Neutrality: Neutrality is so vaguely defined anyway that this can mean almost anything so it will mean what the government wants it mean. It importantly retains the requirement to assist countries at war which for me ends irish neutrality. Non-participation in permanent structured cooperation or the european defence agency does not change the fact that a defacto army and the EU armaments industry will be acting in our name, this too ends irish neutrality.

Annex 2 on Workers rights and Public services: This is a declaration and can be flushed down the toilet tomorrow.

Annex 3 on Neutrality: This is a declaration and can be flushed down the toilet tomorrow.

In short only Annex 1A offers anything new or different of substance. Even this does not counter the risks of being subject to the vague and fuzzy rights charter.

I hope i have been of help.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"guarentees" - Dont be fooled!

This one will be short and sweet although i may update. We will be voting on exactly the same treaty. Not one comma or full stop will have changed. The "guarentees" cannot change the application of the treaty, our obligations of membership nor the obligations of membership of the other countries. If they did the treaty would have to be reratified. It is not being reratified. Putting 2 and 2 together means on October 2nd we are having a Hugo Chavez style rerun because the government didnt like the result last year.